Growing Update

Wow, what a week. The weather has been windy as of late. I was replanting some of our starter seedlings into larger containers and I thought my greenhouse was going to come down. The wind was gusting from multiple directions. That said, there was one big success today. I replanted 101 rose seedlings. We are up to 161 seedlings as of yesterday evening and we more are popping up. As I went through the replanting process, I have begun to purge the soil for those that have not popped up. It’s sad to do, but I am running out of room and I don’t want the seedlings to begin to get root bound. Hopefully I have some pop up where I dumped the soil!!! We also had to order new containers as I have greatly exceed my goal. I have not readjusted my goal of having 25 unique rose plants by the end of season, but I might have to because there are just so many successful seedlings. Here’s to hoping that we get more.