Attending a rose auction hosted by a local rose society is an exciting experience for anyone who loves roses. The event is usually held in a community center or a garden club meeting space, where tables are filled with beautiful rose plants waiting to be auctioned. As people arrive, thereContinue Reading

Spring is the perfect time to wake up your rose garden after a long winter. As the weather warms, roses begin to grow again, but they need a little help to get off to a good start. The first step is to clean up any dead leaves, broken stems, orContinue Reading

Have you ever had issues with non-beneficial insects? Well, we have had issues, but neem oil seemed to keep the majority of them at bay. We typically use neem oil to take care of aphids and rose slugs. This year saw an exceptionally warm and dry spring that allowed aContinue Reading

The reason I decided to write this up is that I accidentally added too much baking soda to my sprayer mix, thinking, ‘it’s only baking soda, what harm could it do?’ After I finished spraying, it suddenly occurred to me that neem oil is also natural, but a higher concentrationContinue Reading

My family recently took a trip to Spokane, Washington, for a training that my wife had for work. While she was in her training, I decided to revisit Rose Hill. This garden was established and maintained by the Spokane Rose Society. What I saw when I got there was outContinue Reading

2023 Rose Toddlers We decided that to further eliminate our rose seedlings from this batch (generation 1), we would overwinter them in 1 gallon pots with only their own soil to insulate them from the elements. Only the fittest were meant to survive and we had many more (67) thanContinue Reading