Winter damage to rose bushes in the Pacific Northwest can result from a combination of factors including cold temperatures, freezing rain, frost heaving, and fluctuations in weather conditions. Here’s an explanation of the potential damage and ways to mitigate it in the spring: By taking proactive measures to protect roseContinue Reading

The world’s most expensive rose is the “Juliet” rose, which was developed by David Austin and reportedly cost over $5 million to create. The average cost to develop a rose from seed can vary widely depending on various factors such as the type of rose, the breeding program, and theContinue Reading

Some, not all, rose shows have rose hybridizers that show up to display newly registered (ARS) roses. Displaying roses at rose shows serves several important purposes for rose hybridizers: Overall, displaying roses at rose shows plays a crucial role in the success of rose hybridizers by providing them with opportunitiesContinue Reading

A crimson pink rose, Darcey Bussell.

We have started this year with a bang. We have surpassed our seed planting goals and have now acquired some new roses to take the place of those that have fallen. Yes, sadly, roses do die from time to time when you are working to transplant them. Last year weContinue Reading

A greenhouse with seed trays

In other words, it is time to sow some seed. We have brought our seeds out of the fridge and we are impressed with the amount we have gotten. After getting back from our lovely vacation, we spent some time expanding our operation by added shelves to our greenhouse. ItContinue Reading

In a previous post, I briefly touched on acquiring roses from a local grower. A man named Ron had to dispose of roses that his late mother had maintained on her property so that he could make room for his sister to move closer to him. He was saddened toContinue Reading

We recently participated in our first ever rose show, hosted by the Fort Vancouver Rose Society (FVRS), and won second place in the novice category for traditional line design. We had intended to enter in several categories for the show. One week before the show we got heavy rains forContinue Reading

It has been a while since our last post. Wow, have we been busy!! My other company Catalonia Studio had some customers that needed work done and so I have had to stay on top of fulfilling their needs. Further, we had to prep our roses for the 2023, 70thContinue Reading

Wow, what a year it has been up here in the PNW. We have been blessed with incredibly warm weather and a few rain storms in between. I can’t believe what incredible luck we have had this year – from getting our seedlings past our goal to getting very uniqueContinue Reading

What a wonderful journey this has been. Yesterday, I went out to check on my seedlings to ensure they were properly watered, and I came across a startling discovery – I have rose buds developing on three-month-old seedlings. WHAT THE HECK?!? I was not expecting that. I am super thrilledContinue Reading