This hybrid tea rose, is a show stopper. My suspicion is that it is a Granada rose or a Double Delight. It fades to a darker red and the yellow fades to a soft white.Continue Reading

This rose was one that was saved from a property that was to be razed to the ground (less the structure on premises). My aunt and uncle offered to allow us to dig up the roses so we could save as many as we could. This rose is a climber!!!Continue Reading

This rose was one that was saved from a property that was to be razed to the ground (less the structure on premises). My aunt and uncle offered to allow us to dig up the roses so we could save as many as we could. This was the first andContinue Reading

This yellow rose is astounding in both its bloom and its vigor. I have abused this plant and it just keeps coming back! The photo above is not choreographed. This is a natural bloom of my rose bush and you can see how it blooms through all its stages withContinue Reading

This red rose will take you back to the 1970’s with its ruffled shirt looking bloom. It’s petals are soft and has a gentle tea-like fragrance that will leave you wondering if you are imagining the smell.Continue Reading

This mini pink rose has very beautiful blooms and its red-tipped new growth helps to accentuate that growth. That said, this plant is an aphid FEAST and will invite every aphid in town to dine on it. Be prepared for a battle in your garden.Continue Reading

This mini pink rose is a ground cover crawler. It does not like to grow tall and will cover the ground in whatever space it is placed in.Continue Reading

This rose bouquet was gifted to my mother from the various roses we have in the garden. The reds and the pinks exude exude an intoxicating fragrance that reminds one of a spicy Gucci perfume.Continue Reading

This rose was one that was saved from a property that was to be razed to the ground (less the structure on premises). My aunt and uncle offered to allow us to dig up the roses so we could save as many as we could. We are unsure if thisContinue Reading