Our local Rose Society (Fort Vancouver Rose Society) held its annual auction to raise money for its rose show. We were very excited to be a part of this auction as the money goes to a great cause and we get to add roses to our garden that were grownContinue Reading

We have finally exhausted our seed supply! In our last post, we had planted 1,770 rose seeds in our seed trays. Well, we had three bags of rose hips left in our fridge and we had to harvest them and sanitize them to begin the planting process. We are happy toContinue Reading

In our last post, we had planted one thousand, twenty-four rose seeds in our seed trays. Our order for new seed trays was delivered and we got to planting our seeds again. We were hoping to sow one thousand, three hundred seeds this year. That would allow us to gatherContinue Reading

In our last post, we discussed how we had finalized the collection of our seeds from our various rose plants. We had sought to collect more than one-thousand seeds to increase our odd of success in the creation of new plants. We are happy to say that, as of thisContinue Reading

We are back out in the garden this week to harvest some rose seeds. This will likely be the last time that we harvest this year, but we will soon be shifting to planting our seeds and seeing what gift we get from them. Thus far, we think we haveContinue Reading

yellow, peach, orange rose arrangement that follow the American Rose Society guidelines for a straight-line design.

This week, our local Rose Society chapter held an arrangement workshop. The workshop focused on traditional line design in accordance with the American Rose Society guidelines. This was the first workshop that we were able to attend and boy, were we excited. Typically when we arrange roses we stuff asContinue Reading

Yellow Rose Centerpiece

We are little late to the game in discussing Covid because we had not gotten it yet (WE ALMOST MADE IT 3 YEARS!!!). That said I want to express what a benefit it can be to be affiliated with your local Rose Society. The day was December 20th, 2022, andContinue Reading

I made a visit to my local Rose Society back in June/July of 2022 and had a blast seeing all of the beautiful roses they had grown on display. I chose to become a member that day. Life happened and, well, a few months went by and I remembered thatContinue Reading

It’s that time of the year! Your rose blooms are spent and you are starting to see your rose hips begin to ripen the seeds within. This is our second year harvesting rose seeds and we are excited to see what new rose plants we get from this harvest. ManyContinue Reading

black spot on a roses

Have you ever walked out into your yard and saw something a little off with your roses? Maybe a little leaf curl here, a little black spot there? Black spot is one of the most common diseases of roses. It is caused by a fungus, Diplocarpon rosae, which infects theContinue Reading