We now have one hundred thirty four rose sprouts!!! That said, we have lost a number to mold. One of the biggest issues is that I have been overwatering these poor seedlings. Our greenhouse can get really hot when it is sunny and it dries up the soil quickly. Recently,Continue Reading

Our local rose society (Fort Vancouver Rose Society) put on a spring clean-up for the rose gardens they tend to. Our area was at one time a swamp. Today, it is developed, but the thick clay soil remains. During the rainy season, the soil hardly drains and when you walkContinue Reading

Spring has come faster than we thought and we are racing to get our tasks done as quickly as possible. We have kept up on keeping our greenhouse air moving and warm on the long cold nights! We are finally being rewarded for all our hard work as our sproutsContinue Reading

We have finally exhausted our seed supply! In our last post, we had planted 1,770 rose seeds in our seed trays. Well, we had three bags of rose hips left in our fridge and we had to harvest them and sanitize them to begin the planting process. We are happy toContinue Reading

In our last post, we had planted one thousand, twenty-four rose seeds in our seed trays. Our order for new seed trays was delivered and we got to planting our seeds again. We were hoping to sow one thousand, three hundred seeds this year. That would allow us to gatherContinue Reading

In our last post, we discussed how we had finalized the collection of our seeds from our various rose plants. We had sought to collect more than one-thousand seeds to increase our odd of success in the creation of new plants. We are happy to say that, as of thisContinue Reading